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Preschool education, learn through fun

I had never thought of operating a nursery and kindergarten, yet I made it happen all for my younger son who was a preemie. This minuature premature baby was the driving force for me in setting up a cozy and condusive learning environment for the kids.

A mini science lab in kindergarten
A science laboratory for kids to learn through fun

Nurturing the little ones is as if taking care of nurseries, handle with love and tenderness. The kindergarten was equipped with a sandpit, a spacious grassy land, a playground, a fish pond, a small stage, a mini science laboratory, a business corner, a visual audio corner etc. Annual concert, excursion and mini sport were the mostly joyful moments for the children.

Teachers and students having excursion by the beach
An excursion at Klebang Beach, Malacca

A kid is giving speech on a small stage
Building up confidence since young

The after-school programme provided at the same time inspired my elder son to be the leader among the kindergarten kids. He was trained as the master of ceremony and presenter in the annual concerts. 

A group of kindergarten students with pilot
A short trip to Malacca airport

Childhood education is not emphasized solely on the books but the fun through learning is the key to instil the curiosity and enthusiasm in seeking the sea of knowledge.

Kindergarten students with teacher in the classroom
Every child is unique

Let the kids enjoy their childhood with  hands-on activities and outdoor events in achieving holistic education. The approach should be gentle but firm so that they could unleash their potential and talents naturally.

Every child is unique. The individuality of each child should be respected. As parents and teachers, we should have the responsibilities to mentor and coach them patiently so that they have a solid foundation when they enter primary schools.

Ee Fui Mei