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Instil the values of 7 habits of highly effective people in Malaysia education

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The latest five-year Malaysia Plan focuses on enhancing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes is literally lauded in the AI and digital era.

Under the 12MP,  it is hoped that Malaysia students are well-equiped and prepared with the prerequisite strength in embracing the Industrial Revolution, IR 4.0.

Undoubtedly, in order to implement the 12MP and successfully make it happen is not an easy mission. 

First and foremost, the teachers concerned have to take the initiative in augmenting themselves with sea of knowledge and information in the world of contemporary science and technology. The exposure and exploration to the fast-changing  AI world out there are must-to-do additional 'homework' in order to ensure the teaching and learning process achieving the desired expectations.

In collaboration with the implementation of 12MP,  personally I suggest the values from the book entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People written by Stephen Covey might be taken into consideration to stimulate and propel the gear of the progress.

The core values of the book have been widely practiced by the visionary and dynamic corporations and organisations. Some principals and parents realise the effectiveness and adamantly instil the good habits among the children. 

If the 3W1H (What, When, Why, How) pedagogy is applied in promoting more curiosity in learning, then the 7 habits of highly effective people is yet another 'enzyme' in spurring the effectiveness of the implementation.

Covey's 7 habits of highly effective people string the principle-centred approach to both personal and interpersonal effectiveness. He conveys his teachings in a series of habits, manifesting as a progression from dependence through independence onto interdependence, and has strong faith in interdependence which will yield greater outcome.

The 7 highlighted habits are

1. Be proactive

2. Begin with the end in mind

3. Put first things first

4. Think win-win

5. Seek to understand, 

    and  then to be understood

6. Synergize 

7. Sharpen the saw

Let us begin with a proactive attitude and mindset. Proactive teachers nurture proactive students.

Being proactive means taking the responsibility and commitment to self-improvement. Under the coaching and mentoring of the proactive teachers, the students learn to set goals, plan well and execute them with positivity. Not only that, the students also learn to muster up the courage to confront failures and setbacks throughout trials of experiments and examinations.

As Albert Einstein once reminded, "Imagination is more important than knowledge". Begin with the end in mind is to create a personal mission.  Imagine "What do you want to be?" , and  "What do you want to do?". 

Thus, teachers may advise their students to ask themselves what you want to be, then lead them to aim for the goal with determination and perseverance.

Every child has his or her strength and weaknesses. In the process of teaching and learning, teachers play the vital roles to observe the interest and talents among the students so that they could unleash their potential accordingly. For example, if the students have worked very hard yet could not cope with Additional Mathematics, we can't presume they are hopeless. On the contrary, find their individual talents and inspire them to move on.

Today's children are burdened with too many subjects and extra coursework. Put first things first is a good habit to avoid procrastination and burning midnight oil. Fail to plan is plan to fail.  If children are educated since young to always prioritize piles of homework, effectiveness will overtake inefficiencies, thus high performance and achievement can be attained as scheduled.

Wherever we are, whenever and  whatever we do, we are not alone, oftentimes we are in a team to accomplish an assignment or project. Undeniably, there will be disagreement and conflict arisen in a teamwork. The mutually beneficial win-win solutions is the best solution for clinching ultimate goal. The adoption of win-win solution  is not only cultivate our students the habit of interpersonal leadership, but also embody the mindset of cooperation instead of competition. Today's children tomorrow's leaders, win-win mindset is one of the dimensions should be emphasized in schools  through the co-curriculum and activities.

According to Covey,  most people do not listen with the intent to understand, they listen with intent to reply.  In another word, be an emphatic listener will allow you to get clearer picture of reality. Once you understand the real situation then only make yourself to be understood. This communication skill is a smart way to deliver our ideas and influences in accordance with the listener's paradigm.

Teachers, the 'torchlights' in the classrooms should exercise this emphatic communication in order to understand the difficulties faced by the students in the learning process. So, seek to understand first, and then to be understood is literally a good habit in fostering harmonious atmosphere and handling any disagreement.

Undeniably, two heads are better than one. The spirit of cooperation and togetherness through the teamwork will produce greater results. 

Synergize is not compromise, instead is an open-mindedness to see things in a new way for gaining new insights. Students should have encouraged to synergize to keep every teammate engaged, while improving the soft-skills such as social-emotional, communication, collaboration and self-management  for future workforce requirements.

Last but not least,  sharpen the saw surrounds all the other habits to undergo continuous renewal  spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. These 4 dimensions are the important elements in maintaining a balanced and healthy life for every student in the process of learning along the pathway to success in the future undertakings.

Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world".   Apparently, before we can change the world, we have to change ourselves.

Start with good habits, for they become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny. 

A nation with good habits is a nation that succeeds, for good character people form successful nation!

In a nutshell, an excellent holistic education plan determine the future of a country. We hope that the 12 Malaysia Plan will generate capable, responsible and technology-savvy workforce to confront the competitive world of today.



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