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Parents play vital roles in lifelong education

As a mother cum teacher, I found that parents should have shouldered more responsibilities and duties in educating our children, teachers are just the coordinators in the process of mentoring the children.

Literally teaching is not as hard as educating.

We may easily deliver knowledge or skills to a keen learner, yet how the learner apply or utilize them to the real world or surrounding depends on the success or failure of the education we implement.

Let's start from parental education.

As responsible and caring parents, we raise up children with selfless care and love.  Somehow, captivating children with good habits and appropriate mannerisms is more important than pouring tonnes of formula and theory. 

To keep up children with the fast-paced and competitive world out there, more and more parents misuse their adorable cuties to show up in the public and social media even though their children are still infants. These  narcissistic-inclined parents oftentimes instil materialistic values instead of proper education among the children which subsequently bring them up to the pathway of lavish lifestyle.

On the contrary,  if the children are educated since young to be disciplined, diligent and independent,  they are mostly grow up to be responsible, grateful and highly motivated. Of course, there are exceptions as they might be badly influenced when they entered the sophisticated society. However,  the solid foundation formed and moral moulded throughout the childhood is the best weapon in confronting the setbacks and obstacles in life. Thus, parental education plays vital and paramount valuable roles in moulding the character of children. 

Holistic education should be emphasized

Some might strongly disagree with helicopter- parenting, refuting that it's against human rights. I personally presume it's considerably a good alternative to coach those precocious or 'needy' children. Total freedom given to children is a high-risk way of educating. Some might suggest let the children learn from the mistakes, it's arguable, in fact. Parents must understand that some mistakes are regrettable and have no U-turn, for instance drug addiction, drug/human trafficking.  

Children should have to be inspired externally and internally. Parents are encouraged to give children good compliment at the right time and provide a conducive environment for learning. Reading habit nurtured since young is the best way to build self-motivation.

When children have grown up for their own, oftentimes parents are advised to let go for not interfering as it's claimed as human rights and privacy. For some reasons, personally, I would say it depends on the situation. Sometimes, somehow parents could be the 'consultant' for some crucial decision-making,  after all the previous  experiences gained by the parents would be the valuable strings of beneficial tips in ironing out the problematic issues.

Education is learned anywhere anytime from anybody. At schools or universities, the gradually- mature-children are exposed to all walks of life. The various types of character become their learning models, some are inspiring and some are misleading. 

Again parenting-education reminds them to be discerning and alert in dealing and handling with people. Most soft skills are not taught in schools, it's the workplace and real world teach them to grow, it's the education system they immersed make them a better one who outshine and outperform the others and at the same time uphold the virtues and respectful principles.

On the other hand, parents have to update themselves with the contemporary world out there to narrow down the generational gap with their young ones. The strong family bond is believed to foster a harmonious relationship between the parents and children.  

Nelson Mandela once said, ' Education is the best weapon which you can use to change the world '.  Undeniably,  it's the education provides us the wealth of knowledge and information. It's the education which upgrades us to be resourceful and thoughtful to change ourselves and the world!

In a nutshell, education is a lifelong process, may this process is propelled well and wisely to generate batches of visionary and capable leaders for the families, nation and the world!

Ee Fui Mei

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