Whenever you are, there is always abundant of opportunity awaiting, people work…
Sometimes, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes, in the mi…
手不离机, 机不离手。 应该是手不离机比较贴切。 手机, 现今的必需品 自从走入智能手机时代, 这让人又爱又恨的小东西已逐渐成为了我们的必需品(看来Maslo…
中国清末文人阎敬在一首<<不气歌>>诗中写到: “他人气我我不气, 我本无心他来气, 倘若生气中他计, 气下病来无人替。” 走出户外舒…
Teach him to fish Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu once said &q…
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