The abolition of PT 3 examination obviously make most parents disagreeable, wo…
Nepal is a landlocked country, mainly situated in the Himalayas. Eight of the w…
Shopping at malls has been a pleasant to-do hobby let alone in a hustle-bustle …
每年阿公阿嬷做忌日, 坚守传统文化的母亲都会亲自烹饪几道家乡菜肴祭拜祖先。 怀念那不一样阿嬷的味道 去年阿嬷忌日巧遇我回乡探望父母。想来想去,不知买些什么“孝…
Please update your browser does not support the audio element. Art Galle…
温馨的家是心灵的港湾, 人生的驿站、事业成功的动力。 古语云:“家和万事兴、家齐国安宁。” 向来华人家庭特别强调家和。 所谓不是一家人不进一家门, 和睦相处…
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