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A great leader, is not born overnight

A great leader plays a vital role in leading his or her followers and more often than not determines the future of the team or organisation.

A great leader is not born overnight

A leader does the right thing and show the way, and not necessarily must good at everything. But one thing for sure and most importantly is the leader must be the best person who is smart enough to select the right candidates and locate them to the right positions at the same time creates more leaders in propelling the teams or organisations to achieve higher altitudes.

As Steve Jobs once mentioned, " It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do."

A great leader is apparently has different mindset and traits which make him or her outshine and outperform the others.

Basically, a capable and charismatic leader is the:

1. Core person who is  missionary and visionary,  know where is the direction and then lead the team to accomplish the ultimate goal of the organisation. 

2. Wise and witty in making decisions. Sharp and accurate in analysing.

3. High-risk taker with profound knowledge and information in the specific domain of the profession.

4. Assertive and innovative,  confident, highly motivated and perseverant.

5. Inspiring, empathy, convincing, eloquent and influential. 

6. Calm and unflinching in confronting whatever setbacks and obstacles.

7. Have a good comprehension of the Maslow Hierarchy. Knowing the needs and wants of human beings, is a must-have paradigm shift of a good leader.

Click here for Maslow hierarchy video

8. Instil the 7 habits of highly effective people in the working culture of the organisation. 

Click here for 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Leaders are not born overnight, most of them started from a good follower who keeps on augmenting the professional values to become a great leader.

A great leader of a nation, not only make sure the people having the basic needs but also strengthen the development of the country and  mentality of the people. 

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