在澳洲旅居的那一段日子, 特别有闲情雅致下厨做饭。或许是还无法适应当地华人的口味, 再加上昂贵的价格(澳洲比马币大3倍), 每每在下单都会猶豫不决、迟疑片刻。
除了在外品尝一些偏爱的西式美食之外, 还是比较喜欢自家原汁原味的菜肴。心血来潮时, 还来个色香味俱全的上装。
原汁原味的家乡酸辣蝦 |
时过境迁3年了, 再看回那些照片, 相比之下, 现在讲究的是简单健康的烹饪方式。自从孩子都工作后, 鲜少大展厨艺了, 偶尔在过年过节时下厨弄些孩子喜欢吃得菜肴。
看来很多时候妈妈下厨的推动力多来自孩子与家人。为了孩子, 很多妈妈不论多忙碌都为一家大小准备健康营养价值高的菜肴, 虽然不是每一次都能满足家人的味蕾, 却是幸福满满的爱心歺。
Literally, most mothers learn cooking for their beloved families, not only to satisfy the taste buds, but also for the care and health of the children, oftentimes.
Authentic fried noodles |
Some eat to live and some live to eat.
The latter sounds a bit ambiguous, somehow c'est la vie, that's life!Different mindsets drive to different ways of lifestyle. This is the fact and reality we have to compromise. Somehow, it's the joy and happiness flocking with the loved ones, which make the food most inviting and appetizing!
Ee Fui Mei