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According to the statistic shown (The Star 18 Jan), about 2 millions of vehicles would traveled in and out of Johor during Chinese New Year 2023.

This figure showed that no matter how far is the motherland, as for most of Malaysians stay overseas, either earn a living or on other events would schedule as early as possible to come back home for Chinese New Year festival and annual family reunion.

Apparently Chinese New Year in Malaysia is celebrated in a grand and harmonious atmosphere each year. All the races regardless different religions and cultures respect and  participate in the festival. 

There are two public holidays declared officially for Chinese New Year in Malaysia. For those who travel back from overseas, some have to overcome jet lag which might affect their biological clock. 

I have been trying to understand the reasons why working overseas. Most of the feedbacks reveal that they are attracted by lucrative pay and benefits offered by oversea firms.  Young generation prefers to explore and experience in an exotic country. Brain-drain is another factor these creme de la creme seek better fortune in a place where they think the grass is greener out there. 

In the end of the day some come back to homeland after  struggling a long journey and some live for good at the place they call as second home.

Wherever we go, bring our own sunshine

No matter what, deep in their hearts, they would not forget the place where they  were born, raised and educated.

We may change our destiny, yet we can't change our roots.

Wherever you go, bring your own sunshine

Ee Fui Mei